sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

My Dream Job

In the future, i would like to be a children assistant.
I think I'll have to stay at school 12 years.
I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I love this job.
This job involves loving children, having lots os patience and knowing very much about this.
I would like to have this job, because I love children.

In the future, I would like to be an educator.
I think I will have to stay at school four years.
I think I have the right qualities for this job because I'm funny and communicative.
This job involves investigation.
I would like to have this job, because I like babies.

In the future I would like to be a doctor.
I think I have to stay at school till university.
I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I have concentration.
This job involves taking care of people
I would like to have this job, because I like helping people.

In the future, I would like to be a model.
This job involves people, photography and directors.
I would like to have this job, because I have a sexy body and personality.

I would like to be a lawyer.
This job involves patience and analyses.

In the future, I would like to be a nurse.
I would like to have this job, because I like helping people.

In the future, I would like to be a children educator.
I think I have the right qualifications for this job, because I'm charming, intelligente and docile.
I would like to have this job because I like to take care of children.

I would like to be an actress.
This job involves memory.
i would like to have this job, because I like acting.

I think I have the right qualifications for this job, because I am tidy and organised.
This job involves taking care of other people's houses.

I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I am very creative and I have so many imagination, which in this job is a gift.
This job involves dedication, responsibility and hard work.
Design is an art.
I like this job so much that I want to be an interior designer in the future (and I will).

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