domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

Looking for a job: what should we do?

Project: ( Group Work - The instructions are written in portuguese so that the students can understand what they're supposed to do)

The songs from our class

I've asked the class to bring their favorite songs to the class. Here's the result:

Shakira - She Wolf

S.O.S she is in _____________

S.O.S she is in disguise

There's a she wolf in disguise,

Coming out, coming out, coming out

A _____________ girl that's all you ask of me,

Darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy.

Moon's awake now, my eyes wide open

My body is craving, so feed the hungry

I 've devoting myself to you

_________ to Monday

And Friday to Friday

Not getting enough retribution

Would be a sentence to keep me at it?

___________ to feel just a little abused

Like a coffine machine in an office (aaa)

So I'm gonna go somewhere closer

To get me a lover and tell you about it





LET IT OUT SO IT CAN BREATH [inhales, exhales]

Sitting across the bar, Staring right at her pray,

It's going well so far, She's gonna get her way.

Nocturnal creatures Are not so prudent,

The moon's my teacher, And I'm her student.

To look at the _________ man I've got on me a special radar,

And the fire department's hotline in case I get in trouble later

Not looking for cute little divos, or richer... ?

Any guys that just want to enjoy (aaa)

By having a very good time, and behave very bad

In the arms of the boy





LET IT OUT SO IT CAN BREATH [inhales, exhales]

S.O.S she is in disguise

S.O.S she is in disguise (BREATHS HEAVELY)

There's a she wolf in disguise,

Coming out, coming out, coming out

S.O.S she is in disguise

S.O.S she is in disguise

There's a she wolf in disguise,

Coming out, coming out, ______________


LET IT OUT SO IT CAN BREATH [inhales, exhales]

Key - Words:

Monday; Domesticated; Disguise; Starting; Single; coming out.

Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling

I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

Tonight's the night, let's live it up

I got my money, let's spend it up

Go out and smash it like oh my God

Jump off that sofa, let's get, get off

I know that we'll have a ball if we get down

And go out and just lose it all

I feel stressed out, I wanna let it go

Let's go way out spaced out and losing all control

Fill up my cup, Mazel Tov

Look at her dancing, just take it off

Let's paint the town, we'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof and then we'll do it again

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it

And do it and do it, let's live it up

And do it and do it and do it, do it, do it

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it

'Cause I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

Tonight's the night, let's live it up

I got my money, let's spend it up

Go out and smash it like oh my God

Jump off that sofa, let's get, get off

Fill up my cup, drink, Mazel Tov, lahyme

Look at her dancing, move it, move it, just take it off

Let's paint the town, we'll shut it down

Let's burn the roof and then we'll do it again

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it

And do it and do it, let's live it up

And do it and do it and do it, do it, do it

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, do it, do it, do it

Here we come, here we go, we gotta rock

Easy come, easy go, now we on top

Feel the shot, body rock, rock it, don't stop

Round and round, up and down, around the clock

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Friday, Saturday, Saturday to Sunday

Get, get, get, get, get with us, you know what we say, say

Party every day, p-p-party every day

And I'm feelin'

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

I gotta feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good night

That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

I Hate This Part

The Pussycat Dolls

We're driving slow through the snow on 5th Avenue

And right now, radio's all that we can hear

Now we ain't talk since we left, it's so overdue

It's cold outside but between us it's worse in here

The world slows down

But my heart beats fast right now

I know this is the part

Where the end starts

I can't take it any longer

Thought that we were stronger

All we do is linger

Slipping through our fingers

I don't wanna try now

All that's left is good-bye

To find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here

I hate this part right here

I just can't take your tears

I hate this part right here

Everyday seven takes of the same old scene

Seems we're bound by the loss of the same routine

Gotta talk to you now before we go to sleep

But will you sleep once I tell you what's hurting me?

The world slows down

But my heart beats fast right now

I know(I know) this is(this is) the part

Where the end starts

I can't take it any longer

Thought that we were stronger

All we do is linger

Slipping through our fingers

I don't wanna try now

All that's left is good-bye

To find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here

I hate this part right here

I just can't take your tears

I hate this part right here

I know you'll ask me to hold on

And carry on like nothing's wrong

But there is no more time for lies

'Cause I see sunset in your eyes

I can't take it any longer (can't take do this)

Thought that we were stronger

All we do is linger (is linger)

Slipping through our fingers (through our finger)

I don't wanna try now (try now)

All that's left is good-bye (goodbye now)

To find a way that I can tell you (I can tell you)

But I've gotta do is,

I've gotta do it,

I've gotta do it

I hate this part

I gotta do it,

I gotta do it,

I gotta do it

I hate this part right here

I hate this part right here

I just can't take these tears

I hate this part right here

Here without You - 3 doors down

A hundred days have made me__________

Since the last time that I saw your pretty face

A thousand lies have made me__________

And I don't think I can look at this the same

But all the miles that separate

They disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you__________

But you're still on my lonely mind

I think about you baby

And I dream about you all the________

I'm here without you baby

But you're still with me in my dreams

And tonight, it's only you and me

The miles just keep rolling

As the people leave their way to say_______

I've heard this life is overrated

But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby

But you're still on my lonely mind

I think about you baby

And I dream about you all the time

I'm here without you baby

But you're still with me in my________

And tonight, it's only you and me

And tonight girl, it's only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go

it gets hard but it won't take away my love

And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done

it gets hard but it won't take away my love

I'm here without you baby

But you're still on my lonely mind

I think about you baby

And I dream about you all the time

I'm here without you baby

But you're still with me in my dreams

And tonight, it's only you and me

And tonight girl, it's only you and me

key words: Older; Time; Colder; Baby; Hello; Dreams.


Read only the colour corresponding to your favourite colour.


You’re original and ahead of your time. You get impatient when your innovative ideas aren’t accepted by your colleagues. The perfect company for you is one where the freedom of thinking is respected. You are creative so you would make a good inventor, scientist, activist or politician

You may not be the tidiest, most organised person on the planet but you do know where everything is. You’re sensitive and very creative. You like rescuing sick animals and promoting world peace would make you happy. You’d make a great photographer, actor or advertising artist.

Although you were born a natural leader, you are much better working alone because you’re very bossy. You are energetic and love working with others to exchange ideas and have a good laugh. You could be a good athlete, salespeople or soldier or even try to run your own business

Clever and charming, you are an excellent communicator. You always get excited about new projects but you only work properly if you have a dozen different things to do within the next ten minutes. Your best career is one where your communication skills are appreciated and used. You’re suited to working in advertising, journalism or other media jobs.

You need to believe in what you are doing to feel motivated. Your relationship with your friends is powerful because you respect, above all other things, loyalty in a colleague. Emotional satisfaction means more to you than money. You’d be great at people-management, nursing, counselling and anything to do with homes and families.

Creative and confident, you always look like you know what you are doing. Salary comes first on your list of job priorities. You work best in a fun, social environment where you get the chance to shine. Your dream job would have to be a movie star, but you would also make a good party organiser. You are fantastic at playing fun games with children too.

You are very organised and productive in the workplace. You’re good at details and you desire to be helpful. You’re clever and good with words, so teaching would be right up your street. Being a nurse or dietician could suit. And if you’re an animal lover, you’d make a great vet.

You can be obsessive – no one wants to get on the wrong side of you. You need intense work challenges and a boss you can trust. You also need your privacy. And as for the perfect career, it’s all blood, courage and money. Top careers for you would include surgeons, doctors, therapists, detectives and bankers.

You have an infectious sense of adventure. You’re always keen to move on to bigger, better things. Any job that comes with the prospect of overseas travel turns you on. You prefer a company where your intelligence, vision and sense of humour are valued. You’d make a good sales person, comedian, explorer, tour representative.

You’re very responsible, professional, determined and hardworking. The boss knows you will get the job done, whatever it takes. But when will you have a laugh? Best to stay away from jobs where you need to have a joke if you want a promotion. You’d make a great lawyer, managing director or finance director.

Do you agree with what is said about you and the jobs that best suit you?

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009

Jogos Gramaticais : Sujeito

1. Lê as frases (1), (2), (3):

(1) Quem fez o trabalho?

(2) O Zé, um jovem simpático, estuda no Porto.

(3) A casa da Rita tem quartos e salas amplos.

1.1 Divide-as nas suas partes mais importantes:

(1) ________________________ / ________________________

(2) ________________________ / ________________________

(3) ________________________ / ________________________

Uma oração contém dois termos fundamentais: o sujeito e o predicado.

2. Observa a seguinte frase:

(4) O cavalo comeu uma maçã.

2.1 Constrói frases novas, substituindo a palavra cavalo por outra palavra da mesma categoria sintáctica. Não podes utilizar nomes de animais e nomes próprios.

(4) (a) O ___________ comeu a maçã.

(b) O ___________ comeu a maçã.

(c) O ___________ comeu a maçã.

(d) O ___________ comeu a maçã.

(e) O ___________ comeu a maçã.

Podíamos colocar “O livro comeu a maçã?”

 O verbo condiciona o nome.

2.2 Como sabes, à palavra cavalo e às palavras que escreveste em vez de cavalo chamam-se nomes. Vê se descobres palavras que sejam nomes nas frases seguintes.

(5) O infeliz teve um acidente.

(6) O lesado apresentou queixa à polícia.

(7) O actor partiu o leque da actriz principal.

Nem todos os nomes são sujeito.

2.3. Substitui a primeira parte da frase por um pronome pessoal. (Ele ou Ela)



(7) ______________________________________________

3. Aplica o mesmo teste nas seguintes frases. Vê que parte da frase pode ser substituída por um pronome pessoal.

(8) Os meus amigos Catalães vêm a Portugal em Abril.


(9) A rapariga loira teve uma boa nota no teste de matemática.


(10) Todos os alunos chegaram a horas.


(11) Onde é que a Maria trabalha?


(12) O Zé foi ferido pelo Pedro.


Todas as expressões que são sujeito numa frase podem ser substituídas por um pronome pessoal. Esse pronome pode ser combinado com o predicado, e o resultado é uma frase correcta.

4. Observa as seguintes frases:

(13) Fiz o jantar.

(14) Ficámos um bocado sem falar.

(15) Compraste um carro novo.

4.1 Coloca um pronome pessoal antes do verbo e identifica o sujeito das frases.




Porque acham que o pronome pessoal não aparece nestas frases? É dispensável porque através da flexão verbal (pessoa e número) podemos reconstituir o sujeito.

Sujeito subentendido: O sujeito não está expresso por um elemento nominal ou frásico mas pode ser reconstituído ou subentendido pela flexão verbal.

5. Lê as seguintes frases.

(16) Dizem-se muitos disparates.

(17) Vendem-se casas.

(18) Dão-se pastores alemães com dois meses.

5.1 Reescreve as frases começando por há pessoas que.




Nestas frases é possível identificar um sujeito definido?

Sujeito indeterminado: sujeito com interpretação arbitrária. (alguém)

6. Observa as seguintes frases:

(19) Chove imenso.

(20) Acontece sempre a mesma coisa.

(21) Há neve na Serra da Estrela.

Orações sem sujeito.

Sujeito expletivo/ nulo: sujeito vazio.

7. Constrói frases que contenham:

a) Sujeito composto


b) Sujeito subentendido


c) Sujeito indeterminado


d) Sujeito expletivo / nulo


domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

I'm your fan

Módulo 1 - O Mundo Pessoal e Quotidiano

His name is Leonel Andres Messi.
He is from Rosario, Argentina.
His birthday is on 24th June 1987.
He is twenty-two years old.
He is Argentine.
He is a football player.

His name is Osama Bin Laden.
He is from Riada.
His birthday is on 10th March 1957.
He is fifty-three years old.
He is arabian.
He is a terrorist.

His name is Bob Marley.
His birthday is on 6th February 1945.
He is dead.
He is Jamaican.
He is a singer.

His name is Hugo.
He is from Lisbon.
His birthday is on 16th June.
He is ten years old.
He is portuguese.
He is a student.

Their name is Prodigy.
Their birthday is in 1990. They are nineteen years old.
They are english.
They are a rock band.

His name is Cristiano Ronaldo.
He is from Funchal, Madeira.
His birthday is on 5th February 1985.
He is twenty-four years old.
He is portuguese.
He is a football player.

Hi! her name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone.
She is from Bay City, EUA.
Her birthday is on 16th August 1958.
She is fifty-one years old.
She is american.
She is a singer.
She is tall and thin. She has got long blonde hair.
She is attractive and very beautiful.

Her name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripal.
She is thirty-two years old.
She is from Barranquila, Colombia.
She is colombian.
She is a singer.
Her birthday is on 2nd February 1977.

His name is Angel Fabian Di Maria.
He is from Rosario, Argentina.
His birthday is on 14th January 1988.
He is twenty-one years old.
He is argentine.
He is a football player.

His name is Marshal Bruce Mathers III.
He is thirty-seven years old.
His birthday is on October 17th.
He is american.
He is a hip-hop singer.

Autores de eleição

A turma 1ºTT elegeu os autores:

    Fernando Pessoa

Luís de Camões

Mia Couto

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Eça de Queirós

e contou a história das suas vidas.

Biografia de Mia Couto

Mia Couto nasceu na Cidade da Beira (Moçambique) em 1955, filho de uma família de emigrantes portugueses. Publicou os primeiros poemas no "Notícias da Beira", com 14 anos. Em 1972, deixou a Beira e partiu para Lourenço Marques para estudar Medicina. Mas em 1974, começou a estudar jornalismo, como o pai. Mais tarde,tornou-se director da Agência de Informação de Moçambique (AIM).

Em 1985 formou-se em Biologia pela Universidade Eduardo Mondlane e durante os anos 80  publicou os primeiros livros de contos.

Primeiro lançou o livro de poemas, "Raiz de Orvalho" (1983), publicado em Portugal em 1999. Depois, lançou "Vozes anoitecidas" (1986) e "Cada Homem é uma Raça" (1990).Em 1992 publicou o seu primeiro romance, "Terra Sonâmbula".

Outros livros do autor:
"Estórias Abensonhadas" (1994);
 "A Varanda do Frangipani" (1996);
"Vinte e Zinco" (1999);
"Contos do Nascer da Terra" (1997);
"Mar me quer" (2000);
"Na Berma de Nenhuma Estrada e outros contos" (2001);
"O Gato e o Escuro" (2001);
"O Último Voo do Flamingo" (2000);
"Um Rio Chamado Tempo, Uma Casa Chamada Terra" (2002).
"O Fio das Missangas" (2004) é o seu último livro de contos.

Em 1999 recebeu o prémio Vergílio Ferreira  no valor cinco mil euros. Em 2001, recebeu também o Prémio Literário Mário António (que distingue obras e autores dos países africanos lusófonos e de Timor-Leste) atribuído pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian por "O Último Voo do Flamingo" (2000).

É o único escritor africano que é membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras.

The Royal Family

Módulo 1 - O Mundo Pessoal e Quotidiano


sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009

Texto Autobiográfico

Tal como todas as outras adolescentes, eu na minha adolescência tive os meus problemas, as minhas desilusões, as minhas revoltas e o que costuma dar mais "dores de cabeça", principalmente às raparigas, os romances. os grandes ou pequenos amores, o que nos deixa drasticamente tristes ou absolutamente felizes. Mas há sempre um dia, uma altura, uma hora, um local, um minuto, até mesmo um segundo que tudo muda. Isso aconteceu comigo e lembro cada gesto, cada palavra, cada pormenor daquele dia, daquele momento.

Lembro-me que não andava feliz. Estava mesmo triste. Mesmo assim, havia sempre um sorriso na cara. lembro-me que era a única que não tinha namorado.


Nós,seres humanos, pessoas imperfeitas, passamos por grandes momentos, bons e maus. Momentos que marcam pela positiva ou pela negativa. Nunca sabemos como será o dia de amanhã, para que possamos prevenir certas surpresas.

Algo muito marcante acontecer na minha vida há cinco anos trás, quando os meus país decidiram que eu ia estudar para Portugal. Foi um grande impacto. Não queria deixar a minha cidade, os meus amigos e até mesmo uma parte da minha família.

Mas tive que me conformar. Quando cheguei a Portugal, o sol não brilhava, a saudade apertava e as lágrimas caiam. Sentia-me obcecado pelo meu país.

Os primeiros dois anos foram assim, mas depois compreendi que o ser humano é um ser adaptável e com algum sacrifício conseguimos alcançar a felicidade.


A minha primeira viagem sozinha

No ano de 2008, os meus país ofereceram-me uma viagem para Cabo Verde. Quando me disseram que ia viajar sozinha, fiquei histérica. Sempre sonhei viajar sem os nossos país sempre a dizer:
- Hoje vamos para a casa da tua Tia. vamos para o mercado ........

Quando faltava só uma semana, comecei a entrar em pânico. Mas estava tão feliz, por ir passar as minhas férias com os meus avós que não via há uns bons anos, os meus amigos de infância, os meus primos ...


My Dream Job

In the future, i would like to be a children assistant.
I think I'll have to stay at school 12 years.
I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I love this job.
This job involves loving children, having lots os patience and knowing very much about this.
I would like to have this job, because I love children.

In the future, I would like to be an educator.
I think I will have to stay at school four years.
I think I have the right qualities for this job because I'm funny and communicative.
This job involves investigation.
I would like to have this job, because I like babies.

In the future I would like to be a doctor.
I think I have to stay at school till university.
I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I have concentration.
This job involves taking care of people
I would like to have this job, because I like helping people.

In the future, I would like to be a model.
This job involves people, photography and directors.
I would like to have this job, because I have a sexy body and personality.

I would like to be a lawyer.
This job involves patience and analyses.

In the future, I would like to be a nurse.
I would like to have this job, because I like helping people.

In the future, I would like to be a children educator.
I think I have the right qualifications for this job, because I'm charming, intelligente and docile.
I would like to have this job because I like to take care of children.

I would like to be an actress.
This job involves memory.
i would like to have this job, because I like acting.

I think I have the right qualifications for this job, because I am tidy and organised.
This job involves taking care of other people's houses.

I think I have the right qualities for this job, because I am very creative and I have so many imagination, which in this job is a gift.
This job involves dedication, responsibility and hard work.
Design is an art.
I like this job so much that I want to be an interior designer in the future (and I will).

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009

The Simpsons' Family

picture taken from

My Idol

My idol is Madonna. She was born Madonna Louise Ciccone in memory of her mother.

She was born on August 16t 1978 at 7.05am in Bay Mercy Hospital. She is American but the family of her father is Italian and the family of her mother is from Canada.

She has also three sisters, Melanie, Paula and Jennifer and four brothers, Martin, Mario, Christopher and Anthony.

She spent her childhood in Pontial, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. She studied in Rochester High School. Then, she went to the university to study dance.

Madonna has two children, a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon ( born on 14th October 1996) and a son, Rocco Leon (born on 11th August 2000).

Currently, she resides in London. But she also has houses in New York and Los Angeles.

Her favourite food is salad and she likes popcorns and candies.

Madonna likes to do yoga, read, write and spend time with her family.

I like her music very much and she is an icon for me as a woman (oh I forget to tell you that my brother is in love with her since a very long time)


My idol is my mother, because she is the best mother in the world. She was born on March 16th 1969. She is from Alentejo. She is 31 years old. She is Portuguese.

I chose my mother, because she is understandable. She is married to my father. My mother is important, because she takes care of me.



segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

Television : Friend or Foe?

Television : Friend or Foe?

Module 4 - The Media and Global Communication

Turma: 2ºTAI